Puss In Boots: The Last Wish is an animated movie that was released on December 21, 2022 to high praise from both critics and audiences alike due to its masterful storytelling and its impressive visuals that are both sharp yet stylish. Being a spin off from the Shrek franchise of movies along with being a sequel to a movie lost into the clearance bin of most walmarts it was able to stand out on it’s own without having to rely on the Shrek brand and is able to tell an impactful story to both children and older crowds alike. With the main plot being about Puss in Boots on his last life out of his nine he sets off on a journey to find the wishing star and to get its final wish, but along the way he crosses an old friend and makes a new friend along the way and for the first time in his life he sees that he is no longer alone yet the shadows of is past haunt him to decide between his new life with his friends of go back to being a hero, a legend that’s alone.
The production started in 2012 or rather that was when Guillermo del Toro said that he had done multiple drafts of the sequel ad that director Chris Miller wants to take Puss in Boots to exodic places, later on in 2014 the movie was titled “Puss in Boots 2: Nine Lives & 40 Thieves” and was scheduled for release in November of 2018 later pushed back to December of same said year. In 2015 Puss in Boots was taken off the release line up due to company restructuring and DreamWorks Animation’s policy to release 2 films a year, that same year it was told that the script was changing once again. In 2018 in an announcement from Variety, Chris Meledandri was to be an executive producer for both Shrek 5 and Puss in Boots 2 with all the same cast returning, later in February of 2019, Bob Persuchetti the head story developer of the previous film signed on to direct the movie. The producer of the first film Latifa Ouaou was to oversee the development of the film. In March of 2021 the film’s official title was revealed as “Puss in Boots: The Last Wish” with the release of September 23 of the following year, only to get pushed back in April of 2022 to December 21. The film released to high praise from critics at 95% and 94% from audiences on rotten tomatoes compared to its blockbuster competition of Avatar: The way of water that scored a 77% from critics on the same site. With viral marketing campaigns across the internet with Puss in Boots appearing on the show “Hot ones” set the ball in motion for virality of the film.