The iPhone makes the world go round! At least almost everyone has one or at least wants to have one. But are these phones necessary? Do they really matter? Are we too caught up in the world! Let’s find out in this research about how mobile devices can affect a person’s life. Mobile devices can have positive and negative feedback about it, cellular devices are our generation’s newest technology.
Our cellular phones have unlimited data, we are able to text, call, video chat, and also keep in contact with our family and friends. These smartphones are not only fun and interesting to have in your hand they can also bring serious harm to your mental health apart from cancer risk, mobile devices influence our nervous system. They may cause headaches, decreased attention, shortness of temper. Sleep disorders and depression mostly among teenagers. Radio waves are not the only reason for such symptoms. Many do not know that our mobile devices can also weaken our physical health, In the next chapter I will explain the heavy risk.
Physical health
Researchers have found credible evidence to back up my research about mobile devices affecting us they stated “ Mobile phones emit radio frequency Energy , a form of non ionizing electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed by tissues close to the phone. Scientists have reported adverse health effects of using mobile devices including changes in the brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns. The radiation from the cell phones can bring blood vessel walls to shrink, allowing potentially harmful substances in the blood to leak into the brain, and causing brain damage.
Researchers have found credible evidence about how mobile devices can affect your mental and physical health in such harmful ways. They explained how radio waves that are connected to our phone can cause harmful effects to the brain vessel and cause us to have problems such as facing anxiety while going out into the public and causing a person to feel alone at times because our technology is what makes us so social especially because of social media standards. A time anyone feels social is on the internet such as going on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook.
Social media
Social media has become the world’s greatest App, it’s a place where everyone can release all of their emotions and their hobbies to the world, I’m not going to lie social media can be fun to have because you might feel useful to your followers and also to your likes and comments from people all over the world but in my opinion social media has become a wreck for most people such as not getting much likes and receiving much attention from others. Social media is another way of damaging your brain and it causes a lot of people to feel insecure about themselves because of the way they look and how their lifestyle is. In my opinion our phones already affect our lives in a way that only our brains can understand. We sometimes feel different from others because of our society and how it can turn a good person bad by not meeting the same standards as others that are living a lie in this world.
Our social media reflects our life in a way that others can see your true self when you are on the internet. Seeing a person’s profile can change your mind about them in a way that you already know the person that they are and how they think mentally, because people feel the pressure to keep up with a social life that is not themselves because they feel pressured by the world and what others might think about them.
Here are 12 ways, from an expert, that smartphones can be making your life worse.
- Smartphones contribute to sleep issues
- They can ruin romantic relationships
- They can have a negative Influence on parenting
- They’re placing In- person communication and conflict.
The expert has given me credible evidence to support my research On how smartphones can be very effective towards a person’s life. And these are very common reasons why smartphones can become worse sometime in the future such as facing conflicts on social media with followers or with a romantic partner. Social media doesn’t just give us the opportunity to have freedom but it also gives us the chance to communicate with other people who are deemed and incapable to meet in person.
Negative effects of the smartphone
Cell phones have been around since the 1990’s, cellular phones have been activated for years and now in this generation technology has become worsened since there are apps being created. Everyone needs a good camera to take good videos on TikTok and good pics for Instagram. In addition, researchers say cell phones can bring long-term risks and may be higher for children than adults. Researchers say that there is no evidence to conclude that cell phones are dangerous or that they are safe! But in my opinion my research explains the heavy risk of having a smartphone
Joshua • Feb 25, 2025 at 2:07 pm
good little boy
lazarbeam • May 29, 2024 at 12:42 pm
Ralph • Sep 6, 2022 at 11:07 am
I know before I got a smart phone I was much happier….1. caused sleep problems 2. Caused me to start over thinking…..3. Caused me to be more uptight…..4. addiction… made me feel I was lost without it……5. Lost my appetite
I think yes they can make thing’s easier but what it can do to you in a negative way is not worth what you can loose…