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The Blue and White

Drillers say goodbye to BHS icon Jesse Aranda

Bakersfield High School Campus Supervisor, Jesse Aranda, was born and raised here in Bakersfield, California. He graduated from East Bakersfield High School. Aranda has been working here for 32 years.

How did Aranda decide to work at BHS?

Aranda did not intend to enter this profession looking for this profession. Some circumstances led him to be a security guard because he wasn’t looking forward to it. 

Though he did take part as a security guard and Aranda started here at Bakersfield High School in October 1986, which he only thought it would for the time being, it grew to be his career here at Bakersfield High School.

Making BHS a family affair

Aranda’s communication has brought a sense of trust and positivity to staff, students, and parents. Within the years he’s grown patience for them. The interactions with the staff, and students and being involved in the school activities, and meaning by that are sports, academics, etc. 

Both of Aranda’s daughters attended Bakersfield High School, and this allowed him to be involved in their high school experience. Both girls played tennis, and because he played tennis, he got to teach and coach them. 

When one of Aranda’s daughters joined the BHS Forensics team, he had the opportunity to coach her. As a coach, he took them throughout California, and to the national competition in Alabama in 2010. Aranda took them back to the 2011 Nationals in Dallas. 

Aranda’s other daughter did cheerleading at this school and he was there to watch their rallies and also watched his daughters play tennis! Aranda said he and his daughters kept busy with different activities and clubs. The many opportunities for involvement are the fun part of being at Bakersfield High School. 

Notable moments

One of the most memorable moments for Aranda here at our school is when 2022 the senior class asked our security guard to speak at their baccalaureate and for him.

Aranda explains that it was a great honor since he had not spoken at any of the other graduation festivities. It was a great honor because after so many years he finally had the opportunity to speak to the class of 2022. 

In 2016, Anna Olson (Lovan) and the ASB leadership had a big summit at Bakersfield High School. Schools all over California surprised Aranda by voting him for staff members to honor appreciation for what they do but he had no idea because he was not a staff member of honor.  

Despite not intending to end up here, he has been at BHS for more than 30 years. There are a lot of ups and downs, but overall Aranda enjoys working as a campus supervisor.

Aranda will be retiring at the end of this school year. While everyone is thrilled that Aranda will be getting to enjoy his well-earned retirement, he will be deeply missed by students and staff alike.

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Gloria Menjivar, Staff Writer

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