The Covid-19 pandemic that had swept across the world has affected life more than we could have predicted a few months ago. The effect it has had on schools that has proven to be a very complicated situation. The issues are created with the idea of online schooling compared to in person schooling. The teachers are heavily struggling with students showing up to class or just doing the work. The students are having issues with the amount of work and the way online schooling works. With the issues everyone wants to be back in person to school but that might not be the best option shown by some schools opening and failing so bad it was on the news.
North Paulding High School in Dallas, Georgia is the infamous school that opened up not requiring masks and a student attending took a picture of the hallway which caused an outcry from parents and the community leading to the student being suspended. This incident is a good reason why schools can’t open very easily because you are so cramped into hallways you physically cannot abide by the 6 feet social distance parameter. Even if schools force masks to be worn it’s confirmed you need both masks and distance to be safe not one or the other. Searching youtube for more than a few seconds will lead you to find videos showing how masks effect the spread of covid with demonstrations of germs spread from wearing a mask compared to not wearing one.
Looking online I struggle to find stories about schools reopening successfully. Stories are all about schools opening in other countries where the virus is already controlled and contained which has allowed countries to reopen. Now it seems like America is heavily behind in the opening while other countries open and allow kids to go to school and live normally in America people struggle to admit if the virus exists or not. American schools have a long way to go till schools can fully open from the effect students complaining teachers give too much work to teachers complaining students don’t do the work. These issues are going to persist until a vaccine will come out and the virus is contained in America until that happens opening schools is just not likely because if one kid is infected especially in a highschool setting that could be half the school now infected and no way to know fully who is fully infected for 2 weeks and in that time it could be the whole school.
Ms Lamb • Oct 7, 2020 at 6:17 pm
Good job Maddie
I enjoyed the story. It is very difficult to find a school that has reopened and remained open. Thank you for your honesty.