Dear Students-
Embrace the suck. Seriously. This is a lesson that many people don’t have the luxury of learning until later in life. Take this chance and learn it now, in your youth.
It’s no secret that this pandemic has shown the younger generation that (shocker!) adults don’t have life all figured out. Move forward by seeking guidance from the adults in your life that you trust. Embrace this time.
“Fake it until you make it” is a myth. It’s a catch phrase created to make you believe that in order to succeed you have to have everything figured out. It’s EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE. If you fake it, you’ll never learn the lessons that can only be learned by leaning in to discomfort. The only way out of a difficult problem is THROUGH IT.
Growing up is about learning to navigate discomfort more gracefully than In the past. Guess what? Most adults are seven months in to this pandemic and are no better off than they were during the first month. Most are not embracing the situation; they are pretending it’s not happening and hoping for the best while attempting to navigate their lives just as they did before. That is not a long term strategy for success.
Navigating adult life is about embracing failure and FALLING FORWARD. Just keep moving, just keep going, and do it as gracefully and nobly as you can muster. Be you. Do the next right thing. That’s how you grow up and GROW OUT of adversity.
The sooner we accept the reality of what is happening the better we will feel. The ultimate gift for getting through everything that 2020 Is throwing at us is this belief:
There is no one to blame.
You’re not to blame.
The politicians aren’t to blame.
The universe is not to blame.
Any higher power you might believe in is not to blame.
Bad things happen and we can’t escape that.
The above is all that you need to know and understand what’s happening and move forward. When we “blame” instead of “own” we move into what I call the “B.S.C cycle”: Blame, Shame, Complain.
Through a trial, in the BSC cycle, first people tend to find something or someone to blame. Then they shame it. They complain about it all the time. They feel miserable. They feel angry and stressed all the time. Then the cycle repeats 🔁. In doing this they get stuck in an overwhelming cycle. How can one get out of that cycle?
First, feel your feelings. Don’t cover them up, numb them away or pretend like it’s “fine.” The best way to feel better is to allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling. Be present, even if it sucks.
Second, let go of blame. Blame doesn’t do anything for you. There doesn’t have to be anyone or anything to blame to achieve closure or healing. It’s just a distraction taking you off the path to ownership and freedom.
Just do the next right thing and you will get through this.
These skills will assist you in navigating ALL the other trials in your life that are to come. They can’t be escaped. The only way out is THROUGH.
A Teacher