Bakersfield High School is celebrating “The Great Kindness Challenge” and “Winter Spirit” week. Drillers are invited to participate in different kindness challenges every day throughout the week of Jan. 27 to Jan. 31, along with having fun with the “Winter Spirit” week dress-up themes.
Here’s what Drillers can look forward to:
Jan. 27
Kicking off the week with, “Make ‘em Smile Monday!” Make sure to give 5 compliments to others while wearing your onesie or pajamas for “Onesie Wonderland.”
Compliment someone’s shoes, hair, or even their smile. Head out to Elm Grove at lunch for the “Chain”ge activity.

Jan. 28
Tuesday is “Too Kind Tuesday!” Challenge yourself by saying hi to someone new. Saying hello just might make someone’s day, and you may make new friends!
There will be bubbles and games during lunch in Elm Grove.
The weather is cold this time of year, so make sure to keep your head warm by wearing your favorite beanie for “Breezy in a Beanie Tuesday.”
Jan. 29
Thank an adult on campus for everything they do because it’s “Way to Go Wednesday!”
Let your teachers know how much you appreciate them, or let your counselor or coach know how they’ve made a difference in your life.
Make sure to wear your UGGs or slippers because it’s “‘UGGH it’s cold’ Wednesday.”
Students will also have the chance to send out Kindness grams to make someone’s day. Stay tuned for details.

Jan. 30
Make it your goal on Thursday to open the door for someone on your way to class for “Thoughtful Thursday!” while wearing your ski/snow attire to celebrate “SKI-YA later Thursday.”
Head out to Elm Grove during lunch for the “Don’t worry, be happy” lunch activity.
Jan. 31
Finish off your week with “Fist Bump Friday!”
Fist bump 5 people while rocking all blue for the “Blue and White Blizzard” rally during 2nd period.
Make sure to get a temporary tattoo during lunch to finish off “Driller Kindness Week.”
Snag photos of you and your crew participating throughout the week, and send them to “The Blue and White” to be included in the Driller roundup gallery.